

Looking for new things

We are always working and striving to create new formulations.  However, this can take some time to come up with

Different types of Face Cleansers

What types of facial cleansers do we offer? Anhydrous cleansers Oil-based cleansers Oil-based gel/melt cleansers Lotion cleansers Exfoliating lotion cleansers

What’s new for 2023

First, a bit of celebration, another certificate was added: Certificate of High Performance in Advanced Serums. We have a bunch

30 Day Beauty Routine

I decided to try one of my advanced serums for 30 days and see the outcome. Jasmine’s Beauty Night Serum

Playing Catch Up!

Well, it has been a while.  It’s 2022 and there have been so many changes.  The business is registered, the